Stephen Castro-Starkey



re my post about dependency management, the issue was Jitpack. Their repository is not responding. That's problematic!

I ended up swapping out the one library I was using in jitpack with one that was hosted in clojars.

I wrote this post about my big dreams for Coffee Time. I wonder if it's time to start thinking about the My Cafe idea again? The gist: Lean Coffee has a place in a lot of tech circles. However, it hasn't really found its way out. I wonder if there is an opportunity to rethink the whole conversation paradigm and do a bit more experimentation on a new platform?

It's been a while since I updated my blog software itself! I get a daily email telling me all of my periodic activities and when was the last time I did that thing. Sometimes things didn't show up at all. I think that's because I was sending the activity report at midnight, and basically all the activities also key off the midnight hour. So, I figured maybe if I send the report a few minutes after midnight, I'd get a more accurate picture of how long it's really been since I did each activity.

Very small change.

The fun part -- part of the build process for the app (the part that checks for outdated libraries) has basically stopped working. So I had to exclude it. Gonna have to debug that more!

My friend Mike said, “There is something wrong when the scariest thing about Halloween is the November election.”

Today I learned about “learning debt” in which code reviews cause negative feedback cycles discouraging people from taking the time to deeply learn a code base. This is due to biases around how people reading your code only seem to value the code that you wrote instead of the effort you put into learning what was necessary to make that code change effectively.

If only there was a method that flipped that narrative on its head. Some way to get code reviews while also encouraging and amplifying learning!

I continue to wonder when people will be mad enough to organize themselves around repealing the second amendment? I have never liked the idea of anybody but our military having such destructive weapons.

The fun part about tech debt: the cost cannot be quantified until it comes time to pay it. And the longer you wait, the more uncertain it becomes.

Don't write the devil a blank check.

while mowing the lawn
played tag with a grasshopper
could we be friends now?

Today has sucked so much. Power has gone out 3 times in the last 24 hours. Though I am grateful the outages haven't lasted very long.

But it has lit a fire under me to get whole house battery backup going!

Not having power has an impact -- I can't sleep without my CPAP. And we can't have the house get too hot, especially if the car isn't here to use the air conditioning.

Lawn mowing again. Lots of exercise and bits of meditation made for a lovely experience.

Yesterday I discovered that SQLite isn’t all that reliable at maintaining integrity of FTS5 virtual tables. Following their documentation to create a content backed virtual table with the recommended triggers lead to database corruption after just 5 operations.

more inside...

More exercise yay! Plus a bit of meditation. Very noisy mind tho!

Happy to be continuing to lose weight on the new medication. I can’t wait until my blood pressure starts to show the difference.

all 437 entries

Work in progress

This site is part of a larger effort to bring more of my digital life "in-house" so to speak. So when something goes wrong I have only myself to blame. Ha!

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